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活動通告  →  Workability Asia Conference 2018
聯會活動 業界活動

Workability Asia Conference 2018

I am pleased to inform you that the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities has solicited funding to subsidize 5 delegates of rehabilitation NGOs / self-help groups on 50% basis to attend the captioned event.


For information of the Event, including the estimated expenses per delegate and selection criteria on subsidy, please visit the below Joint Council website:-



To apply for subsidy, please complete the Subsidy Application Form(s) which can be downloaded at the above website.  Those who wish to join the Joint Council’s delegation as a self-financed member, please complete the Application Form for Self-financed Applicant, which can be downloaded at the website as well.  If you have difficulties with internet access, please contact us to make alternate arrangement.  Completed forms should be sent to Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities, 12/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong on or before 5 October 2018 (Friday).  Please mark “Confidential” on the envelope and all information will be treated in strict confidence.  Please note that late applications will not be considered.


Should there be any questions on the subsidy application procedures, please contact Ms. Agatha TANG, Officer (Rehabilitation Services), at 2864 2939 or by email to agatha.tang@hkcss.org.hk.


Thank you for your attention.

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